Amy Foxx
Drifter, Kind hearted, Loyal, Honest.
"if the truth hurts then you've been endlessly lying to yourself sometimes the truth is all you need to set you free once and for all"
At a young age i was cursed to quit ageing upon turning 19 the curse finally took over i've been stuck this young for 3 years no mage can find a way to break this curse any injury caused to my body will always heal quicklyI have a master who's name is Magnus Wulf we tend to travel together he always knows how to cheer me up and make me smile even laugh along with forgetting that i'am cursed he's also the only person who i'am loyal towards and trust unquestionably.I don't recall where i'am from or how i got cursed due to the memories are a blurry and in fragments
Age: 22 (locked at 19).
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Prefered Race(s): All (lalafells SFW only).
Race/Clan: Au'Ra Xaela
Language: Kugane, Ul'dahian
Main classes: Reaper Sage Dark knight.
Relationship: Married
RP/ERP: Both.
Bio: A honest straight forward but tends to keep to her self she often get's lost in her own thoughts has been known to be distant and cold intel some level of trust is made, she is also known for turning into a Miqo'te.
Quote: "if you can't handle the battle you stepped into the best you walk away."
(Any and all prices are IG currency.)
Public RP: Free.
ERP/Private: (21+ only) 150K. Can be negotiated to a lower price.
i'am 23 i tend to be straight forward and honest tend to go off the person's first impression i also tend to keep to myself... in the end you do you i'll do me